Tuesday, February 27, 2007

somewhat, kinda, decision time

My last day in Korea has been set! My last day of work is officially July, 24! I THINK I've decided to not do a summer camp and go to China instead. I'll really have to look into how much this is going to cost. I can do it, I can totally do it easily, it's just a matter of not buying anymore clothes (ouch).

Plans have changed a bit from before. A month ago I was going to travel China with two of my friends, we were then going to head into Nepal and climb Mt. Everest to the base camp. That'd be AWESOME. However, things change, we adjust, and now I'm at it alone. However much fun climbing Mt. Everest would be (or...lack of fun, abundance of wicked pictures to look at afterwards - and bragging rights) I don't really wanna join a two-week tour alone. I'd need my friends around me for motivation!

Thing's could still change again. I'm still interested in climbing that mountain. I'd cut out Italy for it in a heartbeat if I changed my mind. (Italy's a place you can go back to when you're older...Mt. Everest, not so much)

I. Don't. Know. Help.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

North Korea! and...dilemma. Russia or China?

I have officially reserved for a trip to North Korea in May. I'll be going with a group of friends. Really...it's not AS exciting as it sounds. We go barely over the border and climb a mountain BUT I get to say that I spent a night there and that's more than a lot of people can say. Two friends of mine, Jen and Lisa, went on a trip there last year and had a terrific time. Appaerently it's like, clean. No garbage anywhere. I can't even imagine a clean Korea! Sadly though, you don't get a stamp in your passport. They stamp this piece of paper they put in your passport, then take the paper when you leave. I think that's dumb, but it would probably save a LOT of hassles at any future border crossings.

"no, really...I went to North Korea as a tourist. Yes, I know...that's weird. But really, I did."

right. Those American border guards'd believe me in an instant.

Here's a list of the restrictions for the trip!!

9. Banned items list and other regulations
Mobile phones and other communications devices are not permitted.
Cameras with telephoto lenses of more than160mm and binoculars with zooming capabilities of 10 times or more are banned.
All electronic equipment must be checked at the Guemgang Condo before departing for North Korea. This includes all cameras, battery chargers, PDAs, video cameras, notebook computers, calculators & CDP, and MP3 players.
Newspapers and magazines from South Korea aren't permitted.
You are allowed to bring personal reading material but please take the subject matter into consideration.
You must ALWAYS wear your ID (you will get this before you arrive in NK) around your neck. You will be fined if it lost or damaged.
Must carry your passport and ID with you at all times.
You are not permitted to bring alcohol or other food items into North Korea.
Washing hands and/or feet is not allowed in the fresh water springs (fine is $15). Also, please be aware of the NO SMOKING areas and do not leave cigarette butts on ground.
Do not take any natural objects(such as rocks)
Only US dollars and credit cards are accepted.
There are many large rocks with engraving done by the government. Do not touch or lean on these rocks.
You may speak with the North Korean people that you meet, but you may not take random pictures of them, including pictures from inside the bus. In addition, please be careful of the conversation topics when speaking with North Koreans.
DO NOT talk about politics, diplomatic relations, economics and other such sensitive issues.

Anyways, it'll be great, i'll update on it for sure.

NOW, next dilemma. I've extended my contract here at Youngdo until the end of July. I am to meet my paretns in Greece the end of September. I wanted to extend with Youngdo until August, but that's not possible.

My options are as follows:

1) try to get a summer camp for a month (until mid-August), travel Germany, Switzerland,
Italy and meet my parents

2) go to China, Hong Kong, travel Germany, Switzerland, Italy and meet my parents

3) go to Russia, Denmark, travel Germany, Switzerland, Italy and meet my parents

I'm gonna try for the summer camp option. ...i think. The extra money would be sweet, however I also lose out on travelling through China or Russia. Keep in mind that after meeting my parents I then travel through Great Britain to Newfoundland then home...this is kind of going to cost an arm and a leg.

I have a few months to figure this out...and save my little tushie off. The trip to North Korea's NOT going to help with this saving thing, but come ON!! it's NORTH KOREA!

stupid life and its stupid decisions ;)

Monday, February 19, 2007

ok, i lied

they were $40. damnit.

and then they went and spelt the name wrong on two jerseys...one was a waegook mistake, one was theirs. doesn't EVERYONE know that Luongo is not spelt Lungo?? I mean, seriously.

The jersey looked pretty funny though, however to wear it out would be quite the idiot move. It's being fixed.

I have to go get the wrong jerseys on wednesday now...another hour trip both ways. totally worth it tho. bring on the live games at RMT.

bryan...you're now cut off the jersey train. 8 jeresey's has got to be enough now eh?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

cheap hockey jersey extravaganza

totally buying hockey jersey's to wear to the downloaded screenings of the hockey games at the canadian pub in itaewon for...

20,000 each...

that's like $25.

yes, they're real...they're made here then shipped over to Canada and sold for $200.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

tha kiddies singing some wonderful songs that their wonderful teacher taught them....p.s....that's me

This was my youngest class for the intensive period. Basic 3. Singing songs is a part of our daily life...

"Chris is a name, it has a biiiiggggg letter"

One day, one of the kids asked me how to spell "ugly." I immediately burst into "U.G.L.Y you ain't' got no alibi, you're UGLY, yaya, you're UGLY, yaaaa" The kids picked it up, and the "Ugly Song" came into existence as a daily ritual.

They will never forget how to spell ugly again.

The next song after that is a cheerleading chant I stole from Jen. Our books name is Let's Go. And I say "let's go!" quite often in class. Teaching them that chant was a fun thing, but it got sort of annoying when they'd break it out almost everytime I absentmindedly said "ok, guys, get out your books, let's go!"

and...finally. the last song is a screamed version (they're kind of excited by this point) of a Korean chant song (Dae Han Min Guk is Korea in Hangul). The song starts out with "let's go together"...Konglish at it's finest...so our cheerleading chant would often lead into this song.

Lucky me!!!

They were soooo cute though. And high energy...just what you need to get urself through your second round of 3 hour classes!