Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas in Korea

So, it's Christmas and I'm not home with my family. It was weird, it was different, it wasn't bad, it was actually a lot of fun, but definetly not even close to the same. Anyways, I'm pretty tired right now (it's been a long weekend full of drinking) but I'll leave you all with some videos and pictures for the moment. I'll update this entry when I'm not dead tired.

Friday night there was a house party with gift exchange and the like. A few of us went out for dinner before hand...drank some soju, went to the party, drank some more soju....went to the bar...more soju. The night in all is kind of a blur. Good pictures though, I'm almost certain I had an awesome time.

Adrienne, New Mike, Frasier

Bryant and Justin

The Hammer Game

Justin and Shab

So, after Friday night I woke up around 2pm on Christmas Eve. I had a lot of stuff planned for Saturday. I was supposed to clean the house, get the dog prettied (this included fun Christmas bows that we had), go downtown and do some shopping and a few other odds and ends. Instead, as a direct result of the copious amounts of soju consumed the previous evening, I hung around the bathroom for most of Christmas Eve. Not so much fun, not very merry at all if you ask me. Anyways, by about 7pm I was doing much better (read: not puking) so I sucked it up and headed back out. Christmas Eve at the Waegook was an awesome time. The only place in Gumi with some genuine Christmas cheer. It was a welcome feeling.

Video: The Waegook Cook Christmas Eve - please ignore my singing

Ciaran and Traci

Christmas morning was slow. We got our butts outta bed around 10, drank coffee, got ready and opened presents around 11. I got some nice earrings from my parents and a sweater made for me by my Aunt Marleen (my favorite aunt if you read the label inside of it!) It was pretty low-key. We were hosting a brunch at our place around 2...ya, late brunch, whatever. Again, low key. There were a few of us, me, Christa, Scott (Christa's boyfriend visiting from Canada), Traci, Bryant, Joe, and Greg. We ate some good food (asssaa for Scott bringing us ACTUAL maple syrup from home), watched Napolean Dynamite and tried to wake up from our previous two nights drinking. We lazed around until about 8 and headed back to Waegook for dinner. Had good chats with friends. Played our new favorite game "charades to guess what kind of cheese/fruit/vegetable i am," drank decidedly little, and relaxed more. All in all a perfect end to a great weekend. Again, short report, I'm tired... I have more to update on including my school's Christmas party (and more pics of the munchkins), but I'll do that later. Hope you all have a fabulous Merry Christmas. Enjoy the company of the ones you love. You'll never realize just how important they are to you on occasions like this until you're not there. I'd heard that before but never really let it sink sinks in in a hurry when you're living it.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

Video of kids singing!! We wanna wish ye-ah melly chwistmas....Merry Christmas all!

Our youngest class singing "We Wish you a Merry Christmas"

Feliz Navidad

Friday, December 16, 2005

....39 days left...giddy much?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Loungin' in her lounge wear

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High fashion in puppy form...yes it's adidas

sometimes you just don't want to know what dogs are thinking...
I'll be sleeping with one eye open tonight
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little princess

yes....I know
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My fashionable puppy

It's COLD here. For the millionth time. I know I'm from Canada, but Vancouver Island doesn't REALLY count. We quite enjoy our shelter from the astoundingly cold winters that the rest of Canada must endure. I don't know the exact reason why it's not as cold where we're from, I don't question it really. I actually have to cover my face and stuff here, it's THAT cold. My nose gets all red, not attractive at all really. It probably also has something to do with the fact that at home I always had a car and didn't really spend all that much time out in the elements. Here a lot more walking is occuring. Possibly it is colder on the Island/in the lower Mainland than I choose to admit, but I've never really experienced it before.

So, that's my brief's cold, I'll survive. I'll be in Thailand before I know it...and it'll be warm.

Our dog, on the other hand, doesn't get to come to Thailand. She has to stay here where it's stupidly cold. She's small, she doesn't have that much fur really. She's also a dog from Korea, which means she's a wimp. Dogs here (that aren't going to be eaten) are small, don't like to walk outside (carry me, please), and prefer fun little outfits as opposed to growing actual normal dog coats. Those are my excuses for buying her an outfit. Really, we did NOT buy it because it's just far too cute. It's practical.

If we were just being stupid and frivolous then we would have bought her the matching backpack and shoes.....

The red polka-dot bed (with pillow) was also a practicality...

Friday, December 02, 2005

49 days and counting

hi, this'll be long cuz apparently I only like to update this thing every two months or so and make ya'll sit for an hour reading it. Sorry.

alright, so yes 49 days as of today. Crazy eh? There are still days where it feels like i've been here forever, but most days I look back and can't even begin to comprehend where the time has gone. It's now December and I leave in January, that's really really soon. It's time to start planning for my after Korea chillout trip. I was going to go to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and China, but China's recently been kicked off the list. I don't want to rush things. I'll still travel for a little over a month, but now it'll be much more relaxed. The general plan is to hit up China at the end of my second year. It's actually a much better plan the more I think about it. I'll now be visiting China around June 2007 when it's pretty and stuff instead of in barren brass-monkey-balls-freezing February.

You like how I casually threw in that second year bit? For those who don't know I've decided to come back for another year. As much as I may bitch and complain, I really do like Korea. I love the job, the lifestyles astounding laid back and I can save way more money than I can in Canada due to a stupidly low cost of living. I won't be working at the same school or even in the same city. I figure for my second year a different city makes sense, meet some new people, see a different part of the country, get the hell outta small town dodge. I want to be closer to Seoul, there are a ton of satellite cities. I don't have a job yet, I'm searching at the moment, but it won't be difficult to find one at all.

So, I'll travel for a bit and be back in the Riv the first few weeks of March sometime. I want to be back in Korea mid-May so that's 2 months of hanging out in Canada. It doesn't really sound that long when you think that I've been gone for a year and will be leaving for another, but trust me, 2 months with no job and nothing concrete to do...that's long. A warning to all of you in the Lower Mainland and Vic, I will be crashing at your places periodically in an attempt to de-Riv myself. I do love Campbell River, it's fabulous, it's beautiful, my familys there, I love them, but I havn't lived there for closing in on 6 years. I'll need an escape, and you're it.

More updates that people don't know....hmm. I now have two jobs. I've been working at LG Philips Displays for an hour every morning teaching business guys English. It's an extra job, at the crack of bloody dawn, but it pays decent and it's nice to play teacher with students who actually speak English. I teach Human Resources guys Mon-Tues and one Executive Director Wed-Fri. It's a pretty sweet deal actually. I get paid a flat rate every month, no matter how much I work. If I cancelled a class then I'd get deducted, but if LG cancels a class then I still get paid. These are business men, and they travel a lot. Next week I only have 2 classes, last month I had 6 days total off.

I teach them conversation and business vocabulary. This is actually pretty funny since I HATED Business Class at UCFV. Those of you who know me at all will find it entertaining that I teach classes on mutual funds and the stock market. The internet is my friend since there's no glossary in the stupid book. I look it all up beforehand and my students think I'm really smart. I have become the master of bullshit. If there's anything an Arts Degree has gotten me it's how to obtain sparse, random pieces of information and put it all together to make something that looks and sounds good. Something to be proud of really... Mom, see I am using my degree.

more stuff people don't know....we gotta dog! Her name is Jessie and she's far too small and cute. We think she's about 11 weeks old. She's doing her teething thing which means that anything's fair game. Our feet as we walk by included. She really gives new meaning to the term "ankle biter." She's a Yorkshire Terrier. I've never had a terrier before. They're different from labs. Don't tell her, but I like Labs better. Not that I don't love her and think she's just the cutest little thing in the world. I can't really be rough and tumble with her though. I'm just used to big dogs I guess.

This has been a few months with a lot of change. People have left and new people have come. It happens all the time here, you get used to it, but it seems to have happened a lot lately. We have a new Prime Teacher, Bryant. He moved in down the hall from us into my old place a few months ago with his girlfriend Traci (she works at another Hogwan). He works in a far off land called Gupyeong, but lived in Doryang 2 Dong with all of us. Traci and Bryant just recently moved to Bisan-dong where Traci had an apartment because a new Chinese Teacher came to Prime and she was getting put in my old apartment so they got kicked out. There was also word that Christa and I were going to be moving as well... but that was about a month ago and I havn't heard anything else about it. If we do it'll be true Korean style and we'll find out 2 days before we move. Until then I can't fret about it too much.

Jason, another Prime teacher, is leaving next week. I don't know if he's being replaced, but if he does that'll be another new face. Bruce left on Tuesday, Vanessa on Wednesday and Tyler on Thursday. People will come to replace them too. It's a weird reality we have going on in Korea really. We make friends with people fast because you grab onto anything that speaks your language and doesn't point, stare or laugh at you, but then it all changes and the friends you had change and political dynamics change. It'll keep you on your toes that's for sure.

Since the last major update I've gone to Seoul for Christas and my birthday, had a birthdy party at Waegook, been to a Korean wedding, been to Daegu a few times and more that I can't remember. Seoul was awesome. We took the train up there with Bryant and Traci, got a hotel in Itaewan, did some Christmas shopping then headed to the Spa. Traci and Bryant went and did sightseeing stuff. We had booked ourselves in at a random spa. We didn't really know too much about the place, only that it looked nice and had a good website. We got into a cab, told the driver the address and settled in for the ride. We didn't have a frosty clue where we were going. Imagine our surprise when we pull up to a hotel on top of this little private mountain overlooking the Han River. The Taxi pulled up and a nice man in a top hat opened our door for us. We had arrived at the Sheraton-Walkerhill. It was beautiful. We were in our grubs so we stood out like sore thumbs (we did anyways cuz we're white...but this added to it). So, the spa was awesome, the hotel was beautiful and it was a good day. We went back into Itaewan, met up with the others and had a good night. The next day Christa and I hit up the Seoul Racetrack so Christa could see some horses. It was good times as well.

Korean weddings...I will update on that once my camera starts talking to my computer again. I have a really nice, expensive computer and a really nice, expensive camera. This apparently means that they're snobby and don't like eachother. No, honestly, it's something with a firewall blah blah that I really have no idea about and I can't upload my pics or videos. Enter computer genius friend...Devon HELP! I'll update when there are pics cuz it's more fun that way. And there IS stuff to update on, cuz it's a LOT different than a western wedding, and not just cuz it's in Korea.

Alrighty folks. Really that's all there is to report. Life's good, I'm good and I'm happy. I have a puppy, I have good friends and I'm safe. My time here's almost at an end and that's both good and bad. Good because that means I actually did it, bad cuz it'll be over. Being here has been amazing for me. It has brought about changes in my life, brought about personal changes and opened my eyes to a whole new world (insert me humming Aladdin here). There are some people who criticize me for running away from reality. Honestly, I call it that sometimes as well, but it's also way more than that. I don't think I'm running from reality. I think I'm creating myself. I never really knew who I was or really what I was truly capable of. I've learned amazing things about myself. I'm much more confident now than I ever was in certain situations. I have also realized where I'm not confident. I now know what I need to work on. there are reasons for everything. There is good in every situation and life isn't really all that complicated.

Those are my deep thoughts for the day.

Take care all, talk to you soon

*We all smile in the same language

a funny Korean song

so, English teachers have too much time on their hands. Click on this link and run the program. It's a stupid song made by some ESL Teacher. I find it really funny, as do most other teachers in Korea. I'm not sure if anyone who hasn't been to Korea will understand, but it's entertaining irregardless

Random Pictures from the last...ohhh 2 months cuz I suck at updating this thing

So... ya, we got a puppy. Her name is Jessie and she's a Yorkshire Terrier and she's far too cute. She's also the best birth control known to man...
Jessie sleeping on my slipper - she can cuz she's the SAME SIZE
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The little Jessie
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Jessie and Uncle Joe
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Puppy in a bowl
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She is just FAR too small and cute to be real...but she IS!!!
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Traci, Christa and Krista
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This was just a REALLY fun night....Sat. October 29th
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Bryant and our friend
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ahh drunken Korean men
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"oh my shoulder hurts SO much"
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Random night at the squid new friend
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Konglish is Koreanized English. We come into this store to laugh at the sayings on shirts. I have one that ways "who the F*** is S&G," Christa bought one that says "a secret way of using something," and Traci has one that says "take your everything when losing your mind." We were quite content with those....until we came across this one.....this picture was taken in Gumi
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Thenice man who opened our taxi door for us at the Sheraton-Walkerhill. We really didn't know just how classy of a place we'd booked ourselves at. Fits of giggles when we realized, and also realized that we were in sweats and not really fitting in at all...meh, might as well take pictures if we already look like idiots eh?
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Fun chairs at the W Hotel in Seoul - la de da we went to the Sheraton-Walkerhill for our birthdays - spa treatments in style baby
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Todd, Krista, Roisin and Derrick - joint birthday party November 19th, 2005
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Traci, Krista and Christa - my birthday at the Waegook
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Myself and Joan - Fun hats in Daegu
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