Tuesday, January 30, 2007

krista, science teacher extraordinaire

Today was the first day of new classes. Tues/Thurs are 2 3-hr long classes. MUCH better than the 3 3-hr long classes I've been teaching previously. Life was grand tonight when I got to walk out after only teaching for 6 hours.

grand, I tell you!!

my first class was a Basic 5. Sounds like what it means...they speak basic English.

I can ____
I like ____
He likes ____

Normally I do just swell in classes like this. These kids are young, excited...i can get them to sing. Yet today I learned that all young kids are not alike.

I have a class...for 3 hours...12 grade 5 kids.

who don't talk.

oh no, wait...that's a lie. there is ONE student...ONE. who was up, out of his seat, off the wall ADHD. The rest are lumps. Preparing for Middle School already apparently. greeeeaaatttt.

ok ok...it possibly won't be that bad. It's quite likely that they were just nervous and quiet. However, I've been a teacher for quite some time now. I can tell when kids are just being quiet, but will change...and when they're quiet and won't. I get a big vibe of the latter with this bunch.


Bring on the Krista show.

anyways, we'll see...

I went to school early today to get all my books and junk. Got the basic books...glanced at them. A stupid story about getting a ball and how Kim likes soccer...blah. grammar about the "be" verb. I'm all over that stuff.
I then went on a search for my next classes books. A class I'd never taught before.

and stared at the book in front of me when I found it....Science 5. Our Living World.

I'm a science teacher now???
I kinda panicked...I have a crim degree. I don't DO science. The last time I learned about any of the stuff I was frantically scanning over was in Bio 12 - 7 years ago. The class during which I sat in the back and copied Ange's notes because I couldn't see the board (this is also the class in which i realized I needed glasses). Great.

but, actually...it wasn't bad.

I only have 4 kids in the class. They're all obviously of a pretty high English level. We chat, we discuss stuff, we learn about science to-get-her.
Before we even cracked the science book I was straight up with them.

"guys, I have a criminal justice degree. ...ya...look it up. yes, police. ya...i know. ok, anyways, so I don't really study science. I do however, understand the general idea so I can answer your questions. If anything guys, I'll be more interested cuz I'm learning too."

They got it, and we started in on our communal adventure into the world of cells and their structures.

So, today I taught about cells, what's in a cell (many things - big words), and how scientists discovered cells.

AND I didn't do too bad at all. Yay for Bio 12. Apparently a lot of it sunk in and hid away in some corner of my brain. It could also be that I've been a teacher for so long that I've mastered the ability to bullshit anything to look like I already knew it.

I vote for the bullshit theory. Theory...another word I explained today.

I kinda feel like an actual teacher now!!
Hurrah!! 2 years in!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

why intensives suck...and asia sucks sometimes too, but how ABBA can cure all

I hate feeling how I've felt the past two weeks. I'm not an overly bitchy person, but the feeling that I need to lash out at people has been so overwhelming lately it's been necessary that I remove myself from the presence of others on occasion.

it's ridiculous.

I know exactly what the cause is, and I can blatantly see what's happening, hence why I remove myself from situations. There's no need to offend anyone or get into a random fight just because I'm in a mood.

Intensives have sucked my soul, as they have everyone else's. I'm not claiming to have had a harder time at all. We're all in the same boat. I think it's just the lack of sleep coupled with PMS, a constantly changing social life, cloudy coldness and Asia in general that have hit me harder this past month.

Thank god I have random ABBA on my iPod to make me smile on my walks home...it's true. strange, but true.

However, to know that you're in a mood, and to try VERY hard to do something about it, to no avail, puts me in a WORSE mood! I hate being angry at my kids for no reason. They don't deserve it, they have far harder lives than I do. They work their little tushies off day in and day out. They study more than I did in University and have far more dedication. They've been really understanding of my moods, they get it, they're tired too...but it's still not fair to them. It's not been fair to anyone.

It's so horrible when you can hear words coming out of your mouth, hear them in your head before you even say them, realize the effect their going to have, yet for some reason have little control over that step during which they're released from your mouth. I. Hate. It.

I hate ranting in the teacher's room about my kids, about how horrible they were...when really. they probably did nothing. especially when there are 26 other teachers in that same room, all feeling the same as me. For which...if any of you are reading this. I'm sorry.
I'm over it. I can't wait for work to not be my whole life anymore. If there's one thing intensives teaches you it's that work can not be someones entire life. It'll drive you insane.

*future goal...have a job that I love enough that if i HAVE to work 11 hours a day for 20 days, I don't want to shoot myself afterwards

My goal is to start fresh tomorrow. 5 new classes. 5 new sets of kids. A regular 2~10 schedule again. I'm going to go to school early, scrub down my classroom, get my books, do my lesson plans, and be totally prepared for class before any other teacher even arrives. That way I'll be prepared and won't have to rush around the other 26 teachers all frantically trying to get books, photocopy test sheets (from the 2 machines) for their new classes that day.

A fresh start, a fresh mind, a fresh classroom, fresh kids...i should hit up the jimjilbang (public bath/spa) in the morning just to ensure TOTAL freshness...hmmm good idea...

wish me luck!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

finally the ice fishing update

Today I cleaned my room. It wasn't disgusting like "ew...what is THAT in your sink??" It was more you couldn't walk because clothes and reeces peanut butter cup wrappers were strewn everywhere. I did a lot of laundry, dusted, swept and mopped my floor and have real good intentions of bringing out the garbage. go me!

After 20 days of working 11 hours a day, coming home, marking for an hour, and going to bed to do it all again, intensives are over tomorrow. thank god.

There was no time to clean...ok, there was, but I had no motivation. If many options of things to do were presented to you on a week-day night I could only choose one. Doing more than one event in an evening was far too much. Cleaning fell by the wayside.


IT'S DONE!!! and the paycheck will be here shortly!

So now, I also have time to update on the ice fishing weekend...the pics are already up, but the entry has been lacking. and trust me. that weekend needs an update. any weekend that invovles drunk, naked korean men covered in soot deserves an update!!

Friday night we all went to bed early...out of exhaustion due to intensives and necessity because we were getting up crack of dawnish the next day. The 12 of us who were going met at Gangnam station at 7:30am. To our wonderful surprise we found a McDonalds serving breakfast AND a krispy kreme donuts right next to eachother. We each purcahsed from both establishment and headed for the Adventure Korea buses...or...we tried to.

We knew what stop we were supposed to meet the buses at...but no one had told us exactly where we were supposed to meet in the station. It's a BIG station...many many buses. We got lost. We were only like 10 minutes late, but it all worked out. We had to split up between the two buses for the journey to the festival, but separation makes the heart grow fonder right??

We get to the festival. The actual festival was fun...actually pretty warm, the sun was shining, the sky was a wonderful blue (NO SMOG), there were many koreans (but we're used to that), there was beer, there was fishing. it was all around a good time. The fishing got kinda boring after a time tho...as fishing often does. Especially when there are literally thousands of people all standing on one ice covered lake-thing fishing AT THE SAME TIME. I'm sorry, there can NOT be that many fish in the water. I looked in my fishing hole for a long time...I never saw a fish swim by.

There were other events as well...quite a few of my friends decided it would be a good idea to jump into a very cold pool of water to try to catch fish with their bare hands. I was sick ;) so i didn't do it. I also have sense...or a lack of adventure. you be the judge. Some of them caught fish, some didn't...all in all it made for good videos and pics.

At around 4 we all headed back to the tour buses for the trip to our cabins in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. It was supposed to be a half an hour jaunt. It took closer to an hour when we included a stop at the store, but it was a fun, singing filled hour. There were two tour buses FULL of foreigners. It was good times.

We're dropped off, in the dark, at some school. then told that we have to walk 1 km, or 5 minutes, to the cabin. I've been in Korea for awhile. I know this is a lie.

we walk for 20 minutes in the snow and COLD (it's now dark), uphill, to our cabins. Ah well, I said I knew it was a lie...we didn't bitch that much. When we got there we put ourselves into our cabins. 10 people in each cabin. We had 10 then we added one more girl who Martha had met on her bus. She was on the tour alone because her friends had said they were gonna sign up, but then forgot.

The cabin was nice, a big bathroom, one bedroom with a bed then lots of floor room to put down our mats. We set-up then headed for our galbi dinner.

with our wine. hence the c.l.a.s.s.y. pics ;)

We ate a great dinner, drank some wine, then everyone headed up to the bonfire.

It was fabulous to see stars. We literally were in the middle of nowhere, 20 clicks from the DMZ (North Korea border). It was very cold, but with snowpants, sweaters, toques, scarfs, gloves and jackets we were all good. It very much reminded me of home. A bunch of people crowded around a bonfire in the booneys drinking, laughing, singing and talking. It was great, but then the reality of intensives hit and most of our cabin stumbled towards bed around 12:30. We left the two boys in our cabin and the girl we didn't know up at the campfire.

I woke up at 1:30 to Lyndsay saying "wake UP!!" I gave her a look of digust, to which she replied "not you, HIM!"

I rolled over to find a korean man sleeping on the floor next to me.

we didn't know any korean men on this trip...

He also had no pants on. He had nothing on his lower half. He was covered in soot. he was very much passed out.

now there are 9 girls, very awake in a room...yelling at him.

he really didn't understand. he put his long johns on (it's really that cold...you need those) and continued to sit there, staring at all of us. I literally had to reach down, grab him by the collar, and pick him off the floor. We're all yelling at him to get out. He didn't speak any English. You'd think that if you'd accidentally stumbled into a room and passed out, woken up to 9 foreign girls yelling at you, that you'd realize your mistake and leave. this guy wasn't getting it. It took lyndsay smoking him with a pillow and me physically removing him from the building to get rid of him.

He came back 5 minutes later for his pants...it was -15.

We calmed down and fell back asleep...I slept a little closer to Lyndsay because the other side of my mat was covered in soot from the korean guys legs and ass. nice.

We woke up the next morning and started re-hashing the previous evenings events with clearer minds. It was then that I glanced over at the girl who had woken up on the other side of the korean man. This was the girl whom none of us had known previously to this trip.

She also had no pants on...and had soot on her..uhh..bottom.

It clicked...

when we were trying to kick the guy out the night before, I had been trying to hand him pants, to get him clothed!! but she said "no, those are my pants" so i gave them to her...not really thinking about it. figuring she had pjs on.

she didn't.

if you do not know a room full of people, you do not sleep in ur underwear. also...why was she covered in soot.

well...we had left her up at a bonfire hadn't we.

ok, girl got together with a korean guy...whatever.

but then i realize that...wait a second. they're both covered in ash, so they obviously were fooling around outside by the fire. that's given. BUT the fire was far away. It was -15 outside. the guy did not waddle all the way back to our cabin with his pants around his ankles.

ahhh the girl got together with the drunk korean guy next to me. i don't know her. harsh. if it had been one of my friends i would've laughed at them and never let 'em forget it, but that'd be that.

however...i didn't know this girl. to me that's big disrespect. it's like saying. well...i don't give two shits about you or any of the people in this room, so i'm gonna do whatever i want. it's bull. we let her stay with us. we befriended her. thanks for the payback chick!

i'm not that mad anymore...nor was I really that mad then. it was more shocking than anything.

also...when we were screaming at buddy she never said boo. It's understandable now as to why he was so confused. he had been invited there! felt kinda bad for man-handling him...oh well. life's life.

SO we woke up, girl high-tailed it outta our cabin and we never saw her again. We went to breakfast and chilled for the rest of the day. We could have gone on a hike or stayed behind at the cabins. we chose the latter. It was wonderful just to chill in a nature setting. Everything covered in snow, beautiful clear blue sky, fresh air. It was fabulous.

Then we got back on the tour buses and sat in a traffic jam for 4 hours till we got home. Back to the starless, natureless, smog-filled Seoul.

it was much more memorable than our staff party.

Friday, January 19, 2007

don't worry

don't worry!! i'm not completely retarded.

i do know for a fact that today is...


...thank god. only 7 more working days including today. wish me luck. i'll need it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

intensives and how they suck your soul

just thought i'd quickly comment on how, this morning, as i was getting ready, i couldn't remember what day it was.

not just the date (1/18), but the actual day...

"is it wednesday? thursday?? i'm pretty certain it's not tuesday....it can't be friday. i swear i'd be happier if it was friday. unless i didn't know it was friday, then i wouldn't be happy until i found out...is it friday??? sweet....i hope it's friday."

it took 20 MINUTES for me to figure it out. I finally determined that it wasn't tuesday because i forgot i'd had an open class on that day...i'd definitly done that. so tuesday was out. it wasn't friday, because i'd be happier for sure. the race was on between wednesday and thursday.

i finally got it, by thinking about how many days it took to finish this retardedly boring story i'm reading in one of my classes...we started on friday, read it for 4 days and finished yesterday, i did a happy dance when we finished - i distinctly remember the happy dance. that means yesterday was wednesday and today is thursday.

i think i work too much. getting up at 6:45, working from 8:45~8, coming home and marking for at least an hour, then going to sleep to do it all over again apparently gets to you after awhile!!

good thing i have the weekend to...catch up on my marking. DAMNIT

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Where I live!!

You can zoom out!! and see where I live in correlation with Seoul and the rest of Korea!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Martha, Phyllis, Dawne and Jen
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maaaany speeches were held on this stage...
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an evening away from my best friends isn't the WORST thing in the world...separation makes the heart grow fonder :)
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a few teachers
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Ginny, myself, Ashley, Jen and Lyndsay after Ashley won the "best counsellor of the year" award

and she IS the best counsellor EVER!!!
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Tinpan...we really do try to get away from this place...it has a magnetic pull or something
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Ginny and Jen just love teaching soooooo much!!
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gettin friendly with the locals
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a) what kind of fishing pole is this
b) why does my head look so big in the picture?
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someone caught fish...but not us
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Ginny and Lyndsay slip-sliding away
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any fish down there lynds?
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makin' a hole
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Tom, Danielle, and jen...tom actually caught a fish!!!!
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Brooks and Ginny being excited about their future catches
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this is what ice fishing in korea looks like...a smidge different from the lone hut in the middle of nowhere i'd imagined
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snow :)...really think it was mad-made...but i wouldn't know because i've never felt that before
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girls and a snow sculpture
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Ginny, Dan, Lyndsay, Jen and me!!!....and many koreans...on ice that's not THAT thick
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silly people lined up in the freeeeezing cold in shorts and t-shirts
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then they jumped into the -15C water and caught fish with their bare hands...

my friends also did this. i did not. i was already sick...and now they are too.
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jen said i ruined the picture...ouch
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so i was sad
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but then jen explained it all to me
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so we were friends again...crisis averted
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