Sunday, June 18, 2006

awesome weekend - round 2

my weekend consisted of as follows:

Friday night:
dok galbi, beer and friends followed by a hof and nori-bang

english translation:

spicy chicken, beer and friends, followed by a pub (more beer - and popcorn!) and a karakoe room

wake up - kinda hung over
go out for sushi
bring tons of marking and report cards to a jimjilbang (public bath). spend 2 hours soaking in the baths and saunas, spend 2 hours marking stuff in the co-ed portion of the spa...go back for 2 more hours of relaxation and cleanliness - all for $5

get back at 11:15. watch the end of a World Cup soccer match. fall asleep for a bit, get woken up to watch a bit of the soccer match at 1am...however you don't care so you go back to sleep...

Sunday morning.
Wake up late because of stupid soccer matches last night...
head into Seoul to watch game 6 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs (much more interesting than soccer)
Watch Edmonton kick Carolina's ASS 4-0 with a bunch of Canadians.
Drink a lot of beer (we're canadian)
Get video to prove it...

Video of the 4th goal the way, pretty much sent the deal on its way...the deal had been sealed by goals 2 and 3. Signed sealed and delivered baby. That's a game 7!

By the way dad...that means your "team" hasn't won yet.


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