Friday, September 29, 2006

no really...

WHY are Korean women and children afraid of my dog? My 1-year-old Yorkshire Terrier PUPPY? The happy, "hey I wanna PLAY!!!!" little puppy who you could seriously injure by stepping on?? She's made grown women scream...I'm not joking.

and then WHY do Korean men INSIST on calling her over when I'm walking her. And then WHY do they get all mad and glare at me when I won't let her run off (dragging me with her - cuz she's on a leash...dumbasses) to go see them? Also, she doesn't go because she doesn't understand KOREAN!! My puppy is ESL. When we first got her she would drift towards Koreans, but now she doesn't...she's more apt to want to be around foreigners for the obvious reasons. She actually doesn't register that they are calling her. It's like looking at a Canadian dog and talking to it in Chinese.
A) the tone is all wrong, it's not happy like when I call her - it's way more demanding
B) it's in a different language!!

My dog does NOT understand "il e wa." She knows "come here" though. She does NOT understand stupid clucking...because I don't cluck at her.

It's been awhile since I've had a dog in Canada. Do random people call other people's dogs over when they are walking them? Is this normal?? I'm just ranting because I'm tired of it. Jessie's really good with it. She all but ignores any other person except for me (and any other foreigner). but seriously...this is MY dog. I'm trying to train her to walk without a leash. We're doing pretty good with it, but I do NOT need random men calling her away from her training!


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