Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Anyang Kids

Here are a few pics of munchins for your enjoyment...but mainly just for me.

My Tuesday/Thursday 3 HOUR class - the girls anyways....3 hours is LONG, but these kids kick ass. They're so much fun and are so good. I love my job when we can goof off, yet still somehow get things done. They know the line. Some kids have no concept of the "we can have fun, but only if you're doing something else at the same time" line. They cross it, which crosses me, and then shit hits the fan. I tend not to lose my cool too often though. These kids have it rough. I mean seriously, who, when they were 10 years old, remembers spending 3 hours STRAIGHT in an after-school study program??? Not I. I do, however, recall spending 3 hours straight in some of my University classes and almost not being able to handle it. And I was 21.

The three lone boys in my Tues/Thurs class. These boys are also awesome however Eric, in the middle, can be a handful. Henry (on the right) is my little man, this is seriously what I call him. One day it was only him and all 9 girls. I walked in ane he stood up proclaiming, "Teacher, I am MAN!!" He meant that he was the only boy today, but it was far too cute. All of the girls pounced on him "Henry, you are NOT a man, you are a BOY." I agreed, but proceeded to call him little man anyways.

These girls are in my 2 hour Mon/Wed/Fri class. They are L-R Violet, Lisa and Sarah. I just lost Sarah to another class cuz her test scores were so high. I lost her and another girl Sophia. This class is also awesome (I've lucked out with my younger classes). They're so cute, they're my little movie stars.


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