Sunday, October 30, 2005

the evil song that won't leave my head

Hey's some video of my kids singing a wonderful song "Today is Monday." The song probably isn't that bad....except that when all three classes want to sing it I have to sing it 6 times in one day. The link to the video is if the upload doesn't want to work here on the blog site (which is entirely possible cuz i don't really know what i'm doing).

ya....fabulous eh? Here are two more classes singing the SAME song. Really, it's excellent footage, won't bore you at all (note: sarcasim). It definetly won't earn me an Oscar, but it'll give you an idea of my job. I'm quite serious when I say all I do all day is dance, sing songs and act like an idiot. -> if this last video doesn't work...cuz it's being a pain in the ass....the link is here

See if you can spot the Richard Nixon wannabe...


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