Hey all,
Just a few things I've "learned" here that I think are kinda funny....
* Chicks (baby chickens) say be-yuck be-yuck...not chirp chirp chirp
* Dogs say bong bong (long o...so like booong, booong)
* If you sleep with your door and window closed with a fan on....you will die
* Kimchee (fermented cabbage covered with red pepper sauce) can cure SARS
Now why didn't the WHO try that??
* Eating charcoaled meat (so, any normal hamburger cooked on a bbq) will cause cancer
* Those masks Asians wear aren't really for pollution, it's actually to hide from this stupid yellow dust that blows over from the Gobi Desert. It covers EVERYTHING. In Seoul they actually have to shut down schools because the dust is so bad that people shouldn't leave their homes. Here it's just bloody annoying.
* The Sea to the East of Korea is called the East Sea, even though it is called the Sea of Japan on maps, it is definetly NOT the Sea of Japan. Never try to tell a Korean different, no matter how old they are. 10-year-olds can argue with the best of them.
* Same thing applies when discussing the Dokdo Islands (random rocks in the middle of the East Sea which have nothing on them, yet are quite the topic of discussion). They are Koreas. You should never, ever say otherwise, even though the map (same one which calls the East Sea the Sea of Japan) calls them Japanese.
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